Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Hump day.. Finally! :)

When are NICI Pirates sailing into Singapore? 

"Hello!  ^^"

Introducing Alfred and Bruce. My wolves in sheep clothing! Bruce is my 2nd NICI plushy, after Robin. I can never get over how innocent and angelic he looks! But he is really an angel! 

Alfred (Hugo Wolf), btw is still waiting for his Jolly Rosa. ;)  He is a tough cool kid. Not very good in his studies, but NO ONE bullies him! :)


  1. Hello Alfred and Bruce! Nice to meet you two. Bruce is really adorable with his chubby face and innocent eyes ^_^

    Hope Alfred get his Rosa soon! She is hard to get.

  2. Yeah.. Rosa is hard to get... :(
